Speed and red-light camera files


When I download the latest red-light and speed cam files to my computer POI file. I notice there are multiple red-light and speed cam files with different dates. Should I delete all but the latest speed and red-light files or keep all of the files with different dates and transfer all of them to my gps?

Windows PC?

If you're using a Windows PC and try to download a file to a folder that already has a file of the same name, Windows will add a "(1), (2), etc" to the file name. If this is the case, you should reject the added "(x)" and keep the original name, and you will be given a warning that you need to click before the download.

That's the only way I can explain what you've described. If using a Mac, I have no idea how uploads are done.

You do want to have just the single file, the latest version in your upload folder and have just the one file loaded to your GPS.

Note also that if you have a custom icon or alert sound, the added (x) of a downloaded file will not have an icon or audio unless you manually rename the files to be identical.

Keep just the latest

As CraigW indicates, just keep the latest.

The weekly file is a full set (not just changes), so any older files should be removed.


I have the same question.

RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot

All good advice

But I store NY downloaded files in the form of:

YYYY-MM-DD whatever the filename is.

That way I can go back and see the changes or back level the software.

I do this for all my files .exe, .txt, .pdf, .???

But that's just me.

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!