Engineers develop car that gets 3,000 mpg


If gas keeps going up in price and the supplies run out, we could all be driving one of these. LOL - not me! A semi would turn it into powder.

But, seriously, projects like this will lead to break thrus that get passed to production models and we the consumers benefit.

Now, where do you mount the GPS at?

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA

Not For Me Either

My life is worth more than saving money on gas, can't even use it to go grocery shopping.

Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units


I took a course in college called "Physics and the Automobile". That was in the last century, mind you. The professor argued that the most efficient setup is an engine that operates at constant RPM's, with a variable transmission to control the output. FWIW.

Pretty good but overkill

I'd settle for 2500 MPG for a trunk.

No Groceries

muell9k wrote:

My life is worth more than saving money on gas, can't even use it to go grocery shopping.

I wouldn't need to go grocery shopping. I'd have to loose weight just to get in it.

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Solar racers

There are solar cars that use no gas what so ever, so 3000mpg is really not that big a deal.

The point is, will it be practical enough for our daily use? Can I take 5 people and 250 Lbs. luggage from LA to NY in less than 4 days. Otherwise, it means nothing.

The Jetsons

I think by the time 3,000 mpg is the standard we'll all be flying around in personal aircraft.

Now that will add a new dimension to GPS travel grin

I dont think so!

Nice try!

Nuvi 660. Nuvi 40 Check out. Irish Saying. A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.

Oil Companies

Big oil companies and the trading speculators most likely will try to stop the development of this technology.

just right

Just the right size to double as a casket.

Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

better yet...

College Course

Sounds like your professor was a smart person.

No car at all

I don't think the human body could walk 3000 miles on just one gallon of anything, even water.

3,000 MPG Car

Looks like it might be a bit hot in the summer.I'll stick with a bike or moped!


Red Green FTW

chznor wrote:

...the porcelain carburetor

ROFLMAO. Red Green is the MAN!!! Love that show

(formerly known as condump) RV 770 LMT-S, Nuvi2797LMT, Nuvi765T


It looks more like a motorcycle with an extra wheel and body for the driver.